Filed with the Federal Government of the United States of America
The Federal government uses a unique 9-digit identification number assigned by the IRS to track various types of income or revenue generated within the United States specifically for tax purposes. This number may be a Social Security Number (SSN) for individuals; an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for businesses; and, a generic Tax Identification Number (TIN) may be issued for various reasons, including nonresident aliens and US residents with foreign status interested in having a US based bank account, for example.
Why is it required?
You typically need an EIN if you plan to operate a separately registered business, hire employees, and open a business bank account. A business filing an income tax return with the IRS will use an EIN to identify itself.
How much does it cost to file?
There is no cost to file for an EIN, and the filing can be made in one of three ways:
Online: This method produces immediate results and can be accomplished through the IRS website.
By Mail: A current Form SS-4 can be downloaded from the IRS website. After completion, it may be mailed back to the IRS.
By Fax: The completed Form SS-4 can also be faxed directly to the IRS.
Who should use our services?
We offer our existing clients the service of filing for an EIN at no charge. This is a critical filing, and reasonable care should be taken to correctly file the Form SS-4. There are many considerations that may need to be addressed prior to or during the filing. While our office can guide you through them, we are not a substitute for legal advice, and we urge every business owner to discuss their business formation plans with an attorney.